How My Story Started

A graduate of Felician College (now Felician University) in Lodi, New Jersey with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and graduating with high honors from South University in Georgia as an Advanced Practice Nurse with a focus in Family Medicine. For the past five years, I've operated as a cardiology nurse practitioner and do so currently.

I was on the path to becoming a cardiac patient myself when I woke up and realized my blood sugars were starting to rise, cholesterol numbers were out of range, as well as excess unwanted belly fat that just seemed to get bigger with each new diet I tried - the triad of metabolic syndrome. In addition, I was just TIRED all the time. Some days I would literally be falling asleep on the ride home (with my kid in the back), struggling to find the energy to do the exercise I know I needed to do, and being limited by ongoing joint pain which just added to the depression. I realized that something had to change. Even though my labs were now out of normal recommended range, they were just "borderline high" so nothing was done other than the usual recommendations of eat better and exercise more... I was already eating good and trying to exercise.

I Found Functional Medicine

It wasn't until I stumbled into the world of Functional Medicine that I realized that my body already had what it needed to heal itself. It was made to be self healing, I just needed to know WHAT to do, HOW to do it and what NOT to do.

I began researching, studying and ultimately obtained training in Functional Medicine. My training allowed me to discover that the root cause of my joint pain, chronic year long allergies and metabolic syndrome was due to increased intestinal permeability, better known as LEAKY GUT. By treating and restoring the root cause, tremendous improvement has occurred. I now have more energy, less joint pain, better moods and no more dependence on allergy medication.

I then turned my sights to my husband, who struggled with depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue for many years. And guess what, I was able to get his energy restored as well. I established

Fuller Health & Wellness to help myself and others improve their energy by reducing their dependence on prescription and over the counter medicines as well as balancing their mood naturally.

I believe that for true healing to occur, “managing” chronic illness is not the answer, but rather finding the root cause and extinguishing it is. This will allow the body to dwell in the calm and healing environment it seeks to thrive in, thereby allowing the body to learn to heal itself AGAIN.

I am married to my wonderful husband, and we have 2 beautiful children. When not coaching clients, I enjoy spending time with my family, exercising, traveling, reading and learning new healthy recipes.

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